IOT210 - Getting started with IoT: Windows and Raspberry Pi

Get started with IoT on Windows with the Raspberry Pi in this fast-paced seminar! 

Level: Intermediate

Application developers; system software developers


This seminar teaches you how to write and debug applications on Windows 10 IoT (Internet of Things) running on the Raspberry Pi. The attendee will learn everything needed to write and deploy Windows 10 IoT applications, from installing the toolchain on the development system and installing Windows 10 for the Raspberry Pi, through using the standard Windows libraries as well as the Arduino libraries. 

Students are required to bring their own laptops for the development platform; however, the Raspberry Pi 2B, power supply, and MicroSD card will be provided by Azius and are yours to keep. 

  • Installing the Windows 10 IoT Core tool chain
  • Using the Windows 10 IoT Core Dashboard
  • Installing Windows 10 on the Raspberry Pi
  • Writing an application using the Arduino Wiring APIs on Windows 10 IoT Core
  • Writing a Windows application that uses sensors and actuators
  • Debugging the application
  • Deploying the application to the Raspberry Pi
  • Sending sensor data to the Azure IoT Hub
  • Downloading firmware using Azure IoT Hub
  • Using AllJoyn to communicate between IoT systems

Familiarity with C/C++, C#, or Java programming

Operating systems supported: Windows 10
Durations and formats: 2 days with labs

In this seminar's labs, students will develop, debug, and test a complete IoT application running on the Raspberry Pi.